In this week's parsha video, Baruch Gordon shares his thoughts about the connection between circumcision and the Holy Land. What does circumcision represent? Watch Baruch at his grandson's brit milah (circumcision) to find out!
Weekly Torah insights in the spirit of the teachings of Rav Kook, including video divrei Torah, Parshat HaShavua, Ask the Rabbi Q&As, and short clips of filmed classes
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Idealism of the Youth Versus the Realism of Adults
by Rav Moshe Kaplan,
Rav Moshe Kaplan discusses the classic stereotype of the youth being idealistic, even to the point of naive, whereas adults are usually categorized as being realistic, even possibly cynical. How does the idealism of the youth help or hinder their education? Watch to find out.
[10-minute video]
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Parshat Toldot: The Struggle within Rivka's Womb and its Consequences for Today
by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,
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Esav and Yaakov |
After two decades of marriage to Yitzḥak, Rivka’s womb is finally opened as HaShem blesses the couple with children. There is, however, something irregular about her pregnancy.
“The children agitated within her, and she said, ‘If so, why am I thus?’ And she went to inquire of HaShem. And HaShem said to her: ‘Two nations are in your womb; two regimes from your insides shall be separated; the might shall pass from one regime to the other, and the elder shall serve the younger.’” (B’reishit 25:22-23)
The Maharal of Prague teaches in his Gur Aryeh commentary that the struggle in Rivka’s womb between Yaakov and Esav was not at all influenced by their personal inclinations of good and evil, as these inclinations could not yet exist before birth. Rather, Yaakov and Esav represent cosmic forces in Creation – forces that transcend the normal course of personality development and existed within them even while in their mother’s womb.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The National Tendency Toward Goodness
by Rav Moshe Kaplan,
Rav Moshe Kaplan discusses the innate quality of goodness amongst the Jewish people. Not being naive or a "sucker," he argues that we have a national tendency toward treating others with goodness, kindness, and respect.
[4-minute video]
Parashat Chayei Sarah: A Match Made in Heaven
by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,
The mission of building the Hebrew nation passes to the next generation as Avraham sends Eliezer to the city of Naḥor in order that he find a suitable wife for Yitzḥak.
Upon arriving in the city, the servant seeks assistance from HaShem in recognizing the proper partner for his master’s son. He is then immediately introduced to Rivka, who meets every criterion and even reveals herself to be a distant relative of Avraham. Eliezer immediately understands this to be a match made in heaven.
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Biblical Women |
Upon arriving in the city, the servant seeks assistance from HaShem in recognizing the proper partner for his master’s son. He is then immediately introduced to Rivka, who meets every criterion and even reveals herself to be a distant relative of Avraham. Eliezer immediately understands this to be a match made in heaven.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Parshat Vayeira: The Torah’s Stand on Land Concessions for Peace
by Baruch Gordon
Baruch Gordon looks at the surprising story of the first peace pact in the Torah in this week's Parshat Vayeira, and answers the question "What is the Torah's position on giving away land for peace?"
Baruch Gordon looks at the surprising story of the first peace pact in the Torah in this week's Parshat Vayeira, and answers the question "What is the Torah's position on giving away land for peace?"
Who is Included in the Jewish Nation?
by Rav Moshe Kaplan,
Rav Moshe Kaplan discusses the importance of Jews living in the Land of Israel and specifically the flow of divine providence that happens as a result of Jews living in their homeland.
Vayeira: Why Did G-d Test Avraham with the Akeida (Binding of Isaac)?
by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,
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Avraham's Binding of Yitzchak, the Akeidah |
The most unbelievable example of Avraham’s loyalty to the Kadosh Barukh Hu is universally understood to be the episode of the Akeida. Here Avraham is commanded to bring his son Yitzḥak to the future Temple Mount and slaughter him there as a korban to HaShem.
It is difficult to imagine a person prepared to sacrifice the son for whom he had waited his entire life. But it is precisely here that we clearly see the Hebrew patriarch submit his entire will to his love for – and dedication to – HaShem’s Ideal for this world.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Secular Zionists Help Bring the Redemption
by Rav Moshe Kaplan,
Rav Moshe Kaplan talks about how secular Zionists have helped and continue to help build the State of Israel and bring the Jewish people closer to redemption.
Rav Moshe Kaplan talks about how secular Zionists have helped and continue to help build the State of Israel and bring the Jewish people closer to redemption.
Lekh Lekha: Judaism Starts with the Land of Israel
by Baruch Gordon
Baruch Gordon looks at the foundation of Judaism and the beginning of Avraham's journey. Avraham's historic journey is one of crucial significance in the history of the Jewish people, and continues to serve as an inspiration to Jews everywhere in their return to the Land of our forefathers.
Lekh Lekha: Avraham as the Epitome of True Kindness
Lekh Lekha: Avraham as the Epitome of True Kindness
by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,
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Journey to the Land of Israel |
As the Torah introduces the greatness of Avraham, we find the Hebrew patriarch striving to discover Divine truth in an idolatrous world. He leaves everything he had known in order to come close to HaShem in an unknown land. And although he is tested time and again, he continues to be strengthened by each new challenge.
It fills us with a sense of overwhelming pride to learn the epic birth of the Hebrew nation. When we see how Avraham lived and breathed compassion and kedusha in every field of endeavor – how he challenged the prevalent worldview of his era and devoted his whole life to bringing humanity to the awareness of HaShem, we cannot help but stand in awe of Avraham as not only the father of our people but also as history’s original revolutionary, who – unsatisfied with human civilization as it existed – rebelled against the social order and struggled to elevate mankind beyond its perceived limitations.
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