Thursday, June 30, 2022

Hukat: Faith and Trust in G-d's Pan Is Happiness

by Rav Zalman Baruch Melamed, translated by Hillel Fendel

The common denominator between Moshe's anger at Israel and his hitting of the rock for its water

Happiness sign painted on pavement (Credit: D Jonez/ Unsplash)

Yiftah: There Are No Shortcuts

Adapted from an essay by Rav Yosef Carmel, translated by Hillel Fendel

The book "The Art of T'Shuva"

The connection between this week's Haftarah reading (from the Books of the Prophets) and the Torah portion of Hukat is very clear. In both of them we read how the Emorite king, Sichon, refused to allow Israel to pass through his land on our way to the Promised Land – paving the way for Israel to defeat him in battle. However, in the Torah the story is told in real-time, while in the Haftarah, from the Book of Judges, Yiftach simply recounts the story to the king of the Amonites. He does so in response to the latter's bellicose accusation that Israel took Amonite land. With great national confidence, Yiftach says [partially paraphrased]: 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Q&A: Still No Holy Temple: What Are We Missing?

Beit HaMikdash (Credit: Nancy King)

QI don't understand what exactly we are missing by not having a Beit Mikdash. Throughout both the Written and Oral Torahs we see that the Temple is something tremendous and amazing – but in order for me to really mourn over its absence, can you help me understand what exactly it will give us?

Korah: The Prophet Shmuel "Caused" the Sin

by Rav Netanel Yosifun, translated by Hillel Fendel

The renowned Rebbe Mendel of Kotzk was once speaking to his students about Parashat Korah and the rebellion he tried to wage against Moshe and Aharon. The Rebbe laid out Korah's complaints against Moshe Rabbeinu so convincingly, that the students began to think that if their Rebbe had lived during the times of the Israelites in the desert, he would actually have joined up with the bad guys!

Two camels an camel riders in the desert (Credit: Fabien Bazanegue/Unsplash)

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Q&A: How Can We Know There Is a G-d?


Globe (Credit: Subhash Nusetti/Unsplash)

QHow can we know with certainty that there is a G-d?

Shlah Lekha: The Contemporary Mitzvah of Living In the Land

by Rav Yosef Tzvi Rimon,, translated by Hillel Fendel

In light of increasing instability around the world, including anti-Semitism, international inflation, eroding family values, and more, and in view of this week's Torah portion of Sh'lach that recounts the story of the Spies and their sinful negative report about the Land of Israel – we bring you the following article by the newly-appointed Chief Rabbi of Gush Etzion, the renowned Rav Yosef Tzvi Rimon. 

Airplane wing in the sky (Credit: Ross Parmly/Unsplash)

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Despite All, This Is the Beginning of Our Redemption

 by Rav Avraham Vasserman,, translated by Hillel Fendel

Seed Sprout (Credit: Albert Moreno/Unsplash)

Of late we have been hearing increasingly more voices, including those of important Torah scholars, saying that we should stop speaking in terms of contemporary Redemption. These "doubters" claim that we cannot base our "theory" that we are experiencing a form of Redemption on the Talmudic passage that states: "Rabbi Abba says: There is no clearer sign of Redemption than the blossoming of the fields and orchards in Israel, as is written (Yechezkel 36,8), 'You, o mountains of Israel, you will sprout branches and give forth fruits for My nation Israel – for they are coming [home] soon!'" 

First of all, this is just one Talmudic passage out of many… But can the firm confidence with which Rabbi Abba expressed himself enable any of us to cast doubt on his words? If they would bring evidence to the contrary, that would be one thing. But to cast doubt on the relevance of his position, together with veiled accusations of "false Messianism" – is that a serious position to take?

Beha'alotkha: The Republic of Tel-Aviv

by Rav Netanel Yosifun,, translated by Hillel Fendel

Tel Aviv beach and skyline (Credit: Adam Jang/Unsplash)

The Jewish Nation has and has had precisely one capital throughout its generations: Yerushalayim. 

Most unfortunately, there is one city in Israel that many Israelis feel serves as a directly contrasting alternative to our cultural capital. That city, of course, is Tel Aviv, which, for its distinctiveness, has earned itself the informal title of the "Republic of Tel Aviv."

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Shavuot: How To Truly Be Free

 by Rav Mishael Dahan zt"l,, translated by Hillel Fendel

Shavuot and Pesach are connected by the Omer counting period, which leads up to the Receiving of the Torah. This holy day should be utilized for Torah study to the best of one's ability.

Bust of Alexander the Great

Nasso: The Role of the Levites in Israeli Society

by Rav Berel Wein,

Levi'im (Chabad Israel)

The Torah reading of this week continues with the count of the different families within the tribe of Levi. We are aware that this tribe has been chosen for public service in the Temple and, generally, on behalf of the Jewish people. They do not own land, and their financial support is based upon the tithe that the Jewish people contributed from their produce.