Thursday, March 26, 2020

Vayikra: The Kabbalah on 'Vayikra'

by Baruch Gordon

Baruch Gordon looks into the Kabbalah to discover why the last letter of the first word of this week's Parshat Vayikra is smaller than the others. (Hint: it has to do with the Land of Israel)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Jewish People's Unique Trait

By Rav Moshe Kaplan,

Rav Moshe Kaplan examines the Jewish People's unique trait of seeking justice, even when it means standing in opposition to the rest of society.

10 Commandments During These Trying Times

Ten Commandments and Five Tips

The Ten Commandments for Believers During these Trying Times 
by Rav Haggai Londin, translated by Hillel Fendel

10 Commandments

Vayikra: Ritual Sacrifice Isn't What You Think

by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

Korbanot produce a spiritual ripple effect that adds incredible blessing to the world – curing diseases, alleviating suffering and influencing random acts of kindness across the globe.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Role of Crises in Redemption

By Rav Moshe Kaplan,

Rav Moshe Kaplan describes the positive role of crises and regressions in the upward trending path to ultimate Redemption

Pekudei: What's the Most Important Mitzvah?

by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

The mitzvot that dominant nations are most fervently against automatically require extra valor and self-sacrifice to fulfill. Observing these precepts takes on higher meaning as an expression of emuna.

Vayaq'hel: How to Be a Good Leader

by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

The melekh does not actually rule over Israel but rather embodies the mission and aspirations of his nation to the extent that he becomes a microcosm of the entire Jewish people and his personal identity is absorbed into Israel’s collective national identity.
Leading a crowd

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Ki Tisa: Building the Temple and the Land

by Baruch Gordon

Baruch Gordon discusses the campaign found in Ki Tisa for the building materials to construct the Tabernacle and Sanctuary, and tells how we can participate in like construction today.

Ki Tisa: Unity, Not Uniformity

by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

Through a heightened awareness of Israel's true inner essence, we can see past the sharp ideological divisions and appreciate the intrinsic unity beneath and beyond our surface disputes.

Israeli flag and dove

G-d Acts Through Nature

By Rav Moshe Kaplan,

Rav Moshe Kaplan discusses what it means that everything is "in the hands of G-d" and the healthy way to relate to history occurring through natural means and human effort.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Revolution of the Divine Ideal

By Rav Moshe Kaplan,

Rav Moshe Kaplan explains how humanity can "meet G-d" via the Divine Ideal in this world, rather than striving to meet the Divine itself beyond this world.

[5.5-minute video]

Tetzave: How Temple Laws Apply to Modern Israel

by Baruch Gordon

Baruch Gordon uses one of the laws of the Temple found in Parshat Tetzave to teach something insightful about the building of the modern State of Israel. 

[2.5-minute video]

Tetzave: Self-Sacrifice As the Ultimate Emuna

by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

Upon a surface reading of the text, however, Aharon appears to have lacked this readiness for ultimate sacrifice. When confronted with the option of either being killed by his own people or helping to construct the Golden Calf, he opted for participation in building the idol.
Kohen Gadol