Thursday, August 27, 2020

Eretz Yisrael & the Secrets of Torah

 By Rav Tzvi Fishman,

Grave of the Arizal in Tzfat
If it is so obvious from a simple, straightforward reading of the Torah that G-d wants the Jewish People to live in the Land of Israel, why are so many Jews still living in foreign lands? Rabbi Chaim Vital, the foremost student of the Arizal, writes in his preface to “Etz HaChaim,” that the prolongation of the exile and its tribulations stem from the sorrowful fact that the secrets of Torah have been neglected from our learning.  In a similar light, Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook writes that due to an alienation from the secrets of Torah, the supreme importance of a Jew’s connection to Eretz Yisrael is not properly understood. In his classic treatise, “Orot,” he bases his deep insights into the renaissance of the Jewish nation in Eretz Yisrael on the esoteric teachings of the Arizal and the holy Zohar, dressing up concepts of Kabbalah in the language of Israel’s gradually developing nationhood and rebirth. He writes:

Ki Tetzei: Humble the Human Intellect

 by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

Israel’s Torah is not some man-made 'religion' but actually the Divine Ideal implanted into our world for the purpose of uplifting all Creation through the sanctification of every area of human existence.

Mother bird

Ki Tetzei: Making a Living in Israel

by Baruch Gordon

In this week's Torah reading Ki Tetzei, Baruch Gordon talks And how to make a lot of it. Just kidding. Baruch teaches an important lesson in emuna [faith] with regards to making a decent living in Israel.

[3.5m video]

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Elul: Our Generation's "Teshuva From Love"

by Rav Zalman Melamed, Rosh Yeshivat Bet El, originally published on, translated by Hillel Fendel

In honor of Gimmel Elul, Rav Kook's 85th yartzeit [anniversary of his passing]

Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook

Our Sages have taught us that in the generation of the Footsteps of the Messiah, there will be great spiritual and physical tribulations. The Gemara states:

"… In the generation of Messiah ben David, Torah scholars decrease, the others are in sorrow, and one difficult decree follows another… Study houses will be for prostitution, the Galilee will be destroyed… the face of the generation will be like the face of a dog, and truth will be lacking… youths will mock their elders, a daughter will stand up to her father, and a daughter-in-law will stand up to her mother-in-law…there will be no reproof… They will despair of the Redemption. (Tr. Sanhedrin p. 97)

Shoftim: The Torah's Real Estate Advice

 by Baruch Gordon

Baruch Gordon looks at the discussion in this week's Torah reading Shoftim about Jewish property rights and real estate, and compares the laws as they apply in the Diaspora and in the Land of Israel.

[3m video]

Monday, August 17, 2020

Shoftim: Love and Duty

 by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

A Hebrew leader must embody the aspirations of his people to the extent that he becomes a microcosm of the entire nation of Israel and his personal identity is absorbed into that of the national collective.

King of Israel

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Q&A: Whoever Said Everything Will Be Good?


Hospital patient [Credit: Ichilov spokesperson]

QI notice that in many Torah lectures I hear, the rabbi often gives words of encouragement and says "Yihyeh tov [Everything will be good]! G-d wants what's best for us!" My question is: How can we be sure? After all, I know people 50 years old who never got married, for instance; who can promise that that won't happen to me? I know other people who have had other problems that they never recovered from; who can promise that I won't suffer the same?

Re'eh: Does Corruption Taint Israel’s Holiness?

 by Baruch Gordon

Baruch Gordon uses a reference to the Tabernacle in Shiloh in this week's Torah reading Re'eh to explain why the "logical" conclusion that one should avoid living in the Land of Israel when the sate of religious observance there is not so logical after all.

[3-minute video]

Re'eh: Giving Our Everything For Israel

 by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

The essence of Ahavat Yisrael is the willingness to take responsibility for Israel’s future. It is being prepared to sacrifice everything for the defense of the Jewish people and liberation of the homeland.

IDF Soldiers

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Q&A: Why Should I Believe HaShem Exists?

The Kuzari - the foundational book on Emuna
QHow can I believe that HaShem is real and existent, and that we need to serve Him, if I don't have any proof that He exists at all? When I have a questions about [HaShem and the inner workings of reality], somehow I'm always given the answer that it is hidden from us and a matter of faith. If my faith is not that strong, how am I supposed to understand and believe? I understand that HaShem is above Man, and that we can't understand everything because Man can't contain it, but how am I even supposed to believe that? How can that be expected of me?

Ekev: How to Bring Blessing to the World

by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

When facing our enemies, it's often necessary to don a ruthlessness seemingly at odds with our inner nature. The "hands of Esav" can sometimes be utilized to achieve the goals of "Yaakov's voice."
Israel from space

Is the Diaspora Just For Practice?

by Baruch Gordon

Baruch Gordon looks at commentaries on the second paragraph of the Shema found in this week's Torah reading Ekev to discover that Mitzvot (commandments) mean more when they are performed in the Land of Israel

[3-minute video]