Thursday, January 27, 2022

Q&A: What About Rabbis Who Say It's Ok to Give Away Land?

Kashrut supervisors

QHow should I relate to great rabbis and Torah scholars, and even the generation's leaders, who ruled Halakhically that parts of the Land of Israel may be given over to autonomous gentile rule? For me personally, I find it hard to call them "rabbis" – but who am I in comparison to these great Torah giants?

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Mishpatim: The Living Torah

by Rav Yehuda HaKohen,

How should we understand the difference between the Written Torah and the Oral Torah within the context of Israel's identity and development?

The 10 Commandments

Listen to the audio/read the transcript here (12.5 min)

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Emuna From the Cradle

by Shalom Arush, translated by Hillel Fendel

Sprout (Credit: Albert Moreno/Unsplash)

Yitro: The Ultimate Proof of the Truth of Torah

by Netanel Yosifun,, translated and adapted by Hillel Fendel

In honor of the Torah's "Ten Commandments" Portion Rav Netanel Yosifun presents the Ultimate Proof of the truth of Torah

Mount Sinai (Credit: Seif Amr/Unsplash)

Thursday, January 13, 2022

A Mysterious Story of Manna in Our Generation

by Rav Netanel Yosifun,, translated by Hillel Fendel

In honor of both this week's Torah portion recounting the falling of the Manna from Heaven, and Tu B'Shvat

Man selling fruits in Israeli shuk (Credit: bec s./Unsplash)

Believing & Planting: Beshalach, Emuna, & Tu B'Shvat

by Rav Hillel Mertzbach,, translated by Hillel Fendel

Tree blossoms (Credit: Katlyn Boone/Unsplash)

The Torah portion of this week, Beshalach, can be called the Portion of Faith. It is filled with tests and trials that the Children of Israel must undergo on their way out of Egypt, and each one increases and strengthens its faith – emuna - in G-d in a different way. Let us list them and possibly see how they each teach a different lesson in faith:

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Israel's Faith, Step By Step

by Rav David Chai HaCohen, translated by Hillel Fendel

Ocean (Credit: Silas Baisch/Unsplash)

Israel's Exodus from Egypt served as a preparatory course for the nation's great future, foretold at the very beginning of its creation to its Patriarch Avraham: "I will make you into a great nation… and the other nations will be blessed through you" (B'reshit 12,2-3).   

The meaning of the phrase "great nation" in this context is that we will be "close to G-d." As written in Va'et'chanan, "Who is a great nation like Israel, to which G-d is so close." However, to reach closeness to G-d, several steps are required.

Bo: Freedom According to Rav Kook

by Rav Ari Yitzhak Shvat, translated by Hillel Fendel

Bread and wheat (Credit: Wesual Click/Unsplash)

This week's Torah portion, Parashat Bo, tells us of Israel's final preparations for the Exodus from Egypt, and also discusses outlines in some detail the laws of Pesach and chametz. Rav Kook, in his commentary on the Haggadah for Passover, highlights the fact that the topic of freedom takes up a very central place in both the principles and laws of the holiday.

It is important to note the historical background of Rav Kook's writings. During his period, the idea of "freedom" was fairly controversial. On the one hand, there were the national and individual freedoms to which the Zionist, socialist and democratic movements aspired. But also very prevalent were, unfortunately, those Jews who called themselves "free thinkers" – the forerunners of today's secular Jews, but even more proactive in throwing off the yoke of the Torah and its commandments.